Here comes peter cotton tail:)

Here comes peter cotton tail:)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tips on craft shows

I thought of this post based on a comment I got after the last posting about my craft show.  It got me thinking back to my nerves I had of doing my very first, very small show.  So I thought I would give you a few pointers for the next few days and if I can some pictures so that you can see some of those pointers as well.

#1 Fantastic business cards- 50 minimum. I ordered new cards this time that I felt truly expressed me- remember you say a lot with those little pieces of card stock- I used a great lady on Etsy- Posh Girl Boutique. Even if someone doesn't buy from you today, they may want to contact you later for whatever you expertise is. Do not forget to put all contact info on the card that you would like you customer to know! No matter if it is jewelry or home made sugar scrubs ( they have an article on making sugar scrubs in somerset life this month!)

#2 Decide if you will offer gift wrapping and what type- I love to use bags and bows(the company) for this.  Think about coordinating your business cards to your tissue- you can always pick up tissue at walmart and order your boxes our bags through a company in bulk (that is a cheaper route!) I promise making your pkg's look pretty will pay off. Think about going into a fancy store- the way the gently wrap your clothing in tissue and place it in a pretty coordinating bag.  This doesn't have to cost you a lot of money ( your first purchase of bulk bags or boxes may be, but other than that, buy tissue at walmart, or target, go to a craft store that sells tulle on those little rolls, and use that as your bows- not only does it look fancy it is priced well.  Unless say you are a more earthy business, you could always add to your pkg a dried flower or that string (blanking on the name of it) twine I believe? But do what feels right - spread the message about how you want them to feel when they buy their product.  When ordering my business cards I also ordered little stickers to accent my craft paper boxes that say "a touch of bliss" I want them to be blissfully happy with every purchase- I also added that to my business cards this time also, which I have uploaded a picture of both.

I know this post was a bit long, but I want to help you not have those awful nerves I had with my first craft show and maybe give you pointers of things you haven't yet thought of. Hope you like the next few pointers I will be posting throughout the next few days.


  1. Lovely post...keep those tips coming! I also have used Posh Girl Boutique for address labels and packaging stickers...she is wonderful. Thanks again for all the advice, I will be watching for more!!! XO

  2. THank you Anna- thought of you when I did this! I am glad you liked it! I also loved your last post- I miss those types of things about Ohio! I am glad you enjoyed it- it looked like a gorgeous place to visit! Love hearing from you!
