Here comes peter cotton tail:)

Here comes peter cotton tail:)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Feeling light, clean, and well a bit uncluttered.

Hello darlings! I am writing to try to help you explore this feeling I have inside with you. It is a blissful feeling. I have done so many little changes in a short period of time. I have reflected, I have taken time out to care for me- yes I just said it! Time to worry about me and not what everyone else needs, I take my mommy hat off a few times through out the day and stop to smell the roses.  I do yoga- drink green goodness everyday, I have tried to de-clutter my mind, there was cob webs in there!!! I have begun to try to meditate. I have uncluttered areas of our home.  With each day that passes I couldn't be happier I purchased this book "crazy sexy diet by Kris Carr, she truly is a inspiration.  I know how it sounds another fad diet, but this is a life changing experience.

I feel like a better person than I was when I started. I got off facebook & changed my email to not get all those trash emails!  So I unplugged is what Kris Carr would say. It is amazing the feeling of not having to connect, it is liberating! I get the computer on just for moments here and there, Then of course for my beloved blog.

I know this isn't exactly a crafty blog, but sometimes I think we need to check in with ourselves and feel good and clean and new.  Yes I drink a lot of green juice! I put in just about every veggie imaginable. I add 1 fruit to 3 veggies. I blend with my super blender vita-mixer. (Love it!) I found it on ebay at a great price- it had been barley used.

I can't tell you all the secrets, I want you to go out and read this inspirational book.  I have RA and it says you can reduce your levels of inflammation to control disease, or prevent. I pray after all is said and done that I will continue with my green goodness in a glass and feel like a new person in every way imaginable!

Cheers to the green yummy juice! Hello blissful feelings!

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